Vertical Restore

Dr. Karam's 10-year journey has resulted in a culmination of techniques we now call Vertical Restore. This procedure provides astounding results, with none of that "done" look that facelifts so often cause.

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Vertical Prevent

While more closely resembling a traditional facelift, Vertical Prevent still manages to improve upon a tried and tested formula. This proprietary procedure created by Dr. Karam utilizes his vast experience to create a comprehensive solution that helps you get in front of the facial aging process.

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Fat Transfer

The fat transfer procedure takes unwanted fat from a donor area such as the hips, thighs or belly and purifies it, readying it for transfer to another area that is depleted of volume due to the aging process. The result is not only a slimming effect on the donor area, but a plumping of the target area that leads to a more robust, youthful aesthetic.

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Your eyes are the first thing others see when they look at your face. An immediate impression is formed about your age, level of energy, and how tired you are. The eyes are also the first part of the face to show the signs of aging.

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Lip Lift

As part of Dr. Karam’s commitment to total and comprehensive facial rejuvenation, he proudly offers the lip lift procedure. This can be performed on its own, or included in a Vertical Restore treatment plan for truly exceptional, age-defying results.

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Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation

Facial aging can be emotionally difficult. It has manifestations on our professional and social lives. My patients often express that they no longer can recognize the face in the mirror. Or they feel younger than they look. Unfortunately, eventually, they begin to feel as old as they look and this is when their quality of life is affected.

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Facial Rejuvenation Journey

Get a first-hand look at some of our happiest patients' transformations, and follow them on their cosmetic journeys as Dr. Karam creates incredible results that practically turn back time.

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Hand Fat Transfer

One of the safest and most effective ways of treating issues related to the appearance of the hands involves rejuvenating them with a simple fat transfer. This procedure adds volume and greatly improves the appearance of the hands, essentially reversing the gradual loss of collagen that takes place as we age.

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